Doddville Police Chief Charles Wilbur announced Tuesday he will retire at the end of the year.

While Wilbur has served the police department for 32 years, eight of those as police chief, his “retirement” comes in the wake of accusations his department juked violent crime statistics the past two years.

In June, five former and current Doddville officers told Gotcha! that to keep crime numbers low, officers convinced crime victims not to file charges, underreported the value of stolen goods to avoid larceny charges, or downgraded serious felonies to misdemeanors.

This smoke-and-mirrors routine resulted in five- and three-percent drops in violent crime the past two years.

The accusations prompted City Councilwoman Laura McGraw to head an investigation of the Doddville Police Department. While McGraw officially found evidence supporting the allegations to be “inconclusive,” Wilbur’s pending retirement seems to indicate a preference from Doddville officials that Wilbur leave and take the scandal with him.

Since the news broke in June, violent crime in Doddville has risen one percent compared to this time last year. In reality, it’s likely been the same all along, but with Wilbur’s veneer stripped away, we should get a better idea of what’s actually happening on Doddville’s streets.

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